Thursday, June 01, 2006

Summer Vacation

"School's out! Yay! Wait, that means I have no steady employment."

Welcome to Kara's conversations with herself in her head. It's just like a soap opera minus the kidnappings, romance, and mysterious evil twins, but still chock full of bad dialogue. Before I go any further though, I must profusely thank the future BF trainees that left comments. Not only was that an always welcome ego-booster, but it got me even more excited to meet the new crew! This, of course, is the only thing getting me through the excruciating Training Of Trainers conference I'm experiencing this week. But, it looks like I'll be working 3 weeks of the Stage (training), which'll give me something constructive to do this summer besides planting peanuts and I get to meet the new education volunteers.

In other news, I have declared war on Termite Terrorism. Any way you think I could get Halliburton in here to help me? Right before I was in Ouaga last time, they decided to make a meal out of my cook books. Not appreciated. Luckily, the recipes remained intact, but I was not a happy camper cleaning all that up with a fever well over 102 degrees. Yargh. Please cross your fingers for me that I will return to a termite-free house this week.

Life's been a little rough lately as I seem to be experiencing the infamous "one-year slump". I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I really miss American culture (and bean burritos, of course). Who woulda thunk it? But, I know this is just a phase. Overall, things are going well here and I'm relieved to have a relatively full schedule this summer to save me from the utter boredom of last year. Thank god this year's trainees will only experience a very small taste of that as they will be placed at site only a month or so before school starts.

And my great "What the hell am I going to do when I get out of here?" search seems to be slowly clarifying itself (just as an emusion slowly separates -- gotta get that chemistry analogy in there). Medicine is very much in the forefront of my mind (yeah, that's news to me too) and I'm basically trying to decide between physician and physician's assistant at this point. Any non-insulting thoughts? All are welcome.


At 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kara,
Well, BIG news. I just wanted to let you know that by the time you come home, I should have a baby or 2. Yup, I'm FINALLY pregnant. Yeah, I'll explain the "or 2" part later. Just wanted to let you know since I couldn't call you like everybody else!

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Kara said...

Congrats EmilyV! Just wait til crazy Tantie Kara comes back. I like kids now! (I just can't help it with all these kids around)


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