Sunday, April 30, 2006

Kara lets off some (unwarranted) steam -- deal with it

Wow, you people disappoint me. Yeah, you. Here I am getting all this "I read your blog" crap from various individuals and when I put up a pee-your-pants funny entry that gets right to the core of my entire experience here, not a goddamn (sorry mom) comment. So that's my vent.

Ah yes, so my life... School's just about done. Thank God! I, as well as, my students seem to have lost all motivation for this thing known as "education". So it's not a moment too soon. I've had some interesting experiences in the classroom this week that have "YOU ARE IN AFRICA" stamped all over them. The first of note was this past Tuesday when we had our first decent rain of the year. Yay, right? Yeah, but not when it's during my math lesson! Ack what a mess. The leaky tin roof turned my classroom into a cacaphonous shower. It was impossible to shout over the noise trying to instruct all the kids getting water dumped on them to cram into the already-occupied dry desks. And then all MY stuff got wet. Lesson learned: when it rains, don't even try to continue as normal. Recess time it is!

And the second (traumatic) incident occured just Friday, when during a math lesson, I looked up to discover one the terrifiyingly huge movie-like AfricaSpiders staring down at me from just above the blackboard. Oh, it wasn't pretty. Not pretty at all. But I got through it! (Now how will I force myself back into that classroom??)

In other news, thanks to all the birthday/earthday well-wishers. Can't believe so many people remembered! I had a great birthday. My neighbors threw a party for me in Kongoussi and we pigged out on falafel, pistachio pudding and Jell-o No-Bake Pie. (A thousand thanks to Chris for use of his bachelor pad and to Ami for the yummy AmericaDesserts).

Okey dokey, that's about all I gots this time. Soon I shall start my countdown to my El Azteco "frij-burr" (that's a bean burrito, to the layman) cuz I'm halfway done with my time here in Burkina already. Woo! Here's to another year or so of amusing annecdotes and bragging rights (oh yeah and teaching, too).


At 1:19 PM, Blogger Kara said...

Ouch, mom. Damn...

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Kara said...

Thanks victoria! I think of you too! I have a Maggie Cat show on my iPod here. Keep up the good work at KDVS.

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Dabbler said...

Hey, Kara, I read your pee-in-your-pants funny entry and loved it. The fact that I myself will be flying out to Burkina in about 2 weeks to start my Peace Corps training does make me a somewhat biased reader, though. :) I have no idea what I'm going to be doing, just that I'm going to be working the Girls' Education and Empowerment program, and I'll be training in Gourcy, and I've got to say that discovering your blog right before I leave has been a godsend. Who knows... maybe I'll be meeting up with you within a few months!


At 6:47 AM, Blogger gooberchica said...

Hey Kara, I really liked your previous entry! It kind of excited me and kind of scared me, haha. I didn't comment, cause I don't know you. But I'll be in Burkina Faso in a couple weeks and I'll be teaching secondary math with the Peace Corps. So maybe I'll run into you.


At 5:38 PM, Blogger Kara said...

Hey great! Can't wait to meet you guys. I'll be working at least a week of your training, so look forward to some KaraFun (patent pending). Don't worry too much, we're a fun crew here and being in a hardcore country gives you an overinflated sense of your coolness. It's amazing how fast you'll adapt.

At 9:05 PM, Blogger kpjara said...

That's what I like to read at first glance, a peace corps volunteer with PASSION! Fiery passion!

At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

winnie the pooh checkbook cover


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