Friday, January 19, 2007

Good times, great animals

Allo! Greetings from Kongoussi, the capital of DustLand, a region of AllergyLand. Yes, it's that time of year again in the BF. And oh boy, is the dust ever flying this year. It literally piles up daily in my house since I live on a somewhat well-used (a very relative term, I know) dirt road. And when I say "dust" I mean "dirt flying through the air" not that dustbunny stuff we have in the States. That's much cleaner.

Hope all at home had a nice holiday season. Mine was pretty darn good despite some craziness in Ouaga that changed up my plans a bit. I traveled around with some fellow volunteers: saw some cool rocks, some cool waterfalls, some rad hippoes (doing their hippo thing) and some superfabulousohmygodarewereallythisclosetothem elephants (doing their thing for 5 HOURS! -- okay, pervert, not like that, geeeez). Yeah, it was pretty sweet.

Back at home, I was pretty annoyed that I missed the big Bourzanga festival by ONE measly day. Yargh! We have a new chief this year so this was THE traditional festival to go to in the north. What really gets to me is that I was sick during last year's festival so I didn't really get to experience it much.

Ack! Gotta go, my time's up here at the CyberCafé.