Saturday, October 28, 2006

School, school, I like school

Another Ramadan, come and gone, and what did I learn? Being thirsty sucks. I did the fast just one day this year, but that was entirely enough for my non-African, non-Muslim wimpy self. But, at least this entitled me to a little celebration at the end of the month. I did this by "baking" (stove-top style) peanut butter cookies all morning and sharing them with friends, colleagues and "family" for the rest of the day while eating entirely too much of their food. I was stuffed!

School's up and running, and to my relief, it is indeed less nerve-wracking this year. I'm teaching one class each of math, physical science and English. My main challenge will be dealing with my largest class I've had to deal with: 120! (And for both math and English, whew!) My favorite "student" returned this year, my colleague Sylvie's daughter Danielle. She's about 2 now and is the sweetest little thing ever. Whenever she sees me, she screams "Tantie Kara!" at the top of her lungs over and over and over. It makes me melt. Especially since for the first two or three months of school last year when she'd see me, she'd scream, cry and run away. Time heals all.


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