Friday, July 22, 2005

Argh.... I shake my fist at thee, Gmail!!

Well, gmail seems to have thwarted any plans I might've had for being a good friend and replying to any outstanding emails from the past month or so. So forgive me. I feel crappy about that, I just hope it starts working again. But I'll be back in Ouaga on Wednesday or Thursday for another eye appointment. Hopefully, it'll be working again because right now, it's my only email address. Wait, scratch that... I just reopened my old hotmail account. So there you go if you get impatient.

PC Burkina sure is in the transition right now. We just got a new Country Director and I just got a new director for the secondary education sector. There's a whole bunch of volunteers leaving after completing the two years (including one who's visiting Davis soon!) and a batch of 50 newcomers arriving soon. Wow! Hope we're ready...

Not much else to say. Hopefully, I'll be heading back to village tomorrow but my stomach is still occupied by that pesky coon I told you about. Damn that coon! (Sorry, it's that book I'm reading, makes me talk like a logger. Thanks Chuck.) Wow, that's weird, I really do pick up speech from the books I read. I just went through a stint of reading southern books and my journal sounds like I'm from Alabama. Hmmm.... Better not read too many books about insane asylums or pedophiles. Note to self...

Buh Bye for now!


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