Thursday, April 07, 2005

Hey Hey Hey! Wow, today was another doozy. You know its bad when you enter a room and think to yourself, "Wow, this feels so much cooler!" then look at the thermometer that reads 100 degrees. Never thought I could endure this, but I doing good. Last night I slept in the garden of our hotel with my mosquito net set up. It was soooo great! That was the first night here that I didn't literally soak my pillow and sheets in sweat. I'm definitely doing that again.

For those of you interested in seeing some pictures, another volunteer in my group posted some on his website. I'm not sure how to permanently post the link on here yet, so I'll just give you the address here:
There's a great picture of us with the town "chef" (chief)

I guess all I want to add is how lucky I am right now. These days I have been thinking a lot about everyone I have left at home and how all of you are so amazing. And to add to that, my fellow volunteers are seriously some of the most interesting people I have ever met. We all have this common denominator of our desire to be doing this momentous thing, but beyond that we each have something unique to add to the group. What a support system I have!


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